We have two documents available for download that give quite a bit of information for parents about Scouting in general and the role of the parent support committee.
The first is a general description of Group activities –
The second describes in detail the role of the parent support committee –
Application for Membership
Please find Membership Application form for Cubs, Scouts and Venturers below.
On the first night we will ask that online membership form be completed for your (or each) child. Initially this is for insurance purposes.
The online Y1 form can be accessed at https://www.nsw.scouts.com.au/youth-membership-application/
You will receive a PDF copy of this application from. We do not immediately process the membership application, as we want to ensure the new member(s) enjoy “the try and see” period and want to join the Pack/Troop/Unit. We normally allow four weeks, or thereabouts, for you to decide whether to proceed.
In addition to this, it is a prerequisite that each parent fill out an online A2 form, which is required for all parent helpers. You will need to get a Working With Children number. This can be obtained from any NSW Service centre or online.
The online A2 form can be accessed at https://www.nsw.scouts.com.au/adulthelper/
Our Welcome for new parents is